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lock gate 閘門。

lock jaw

Chapter two ascertains main technological factor of dong gou lock reconstructing , including forecast the cargo and volume through the lock to reason about representative type of vessel designed for through the lock and its operation organize . chapter three design the renovate engineering through ascertaining the main technological factor scale of the lock , dimension , designed water level and altitude , including design of structure of the lock , lock chamber and lock gate , and select the main technological factor and pattern of headstock gear . chapter four draws a comprehensive compare of the two design scheme of the renovate project with engineering project economy evaluation method , and makes out the recommended scheme , and furthermore , to calculate the economic evaluation index of the recommended scheme and makes the economic sensitivity analysis of the scheme and finally demonstrate economic feasibility of the scheme 本論文共分四章:第一章主要介紹了原東溝船閘的地理位置和營運現狀,說明了船閘在航道建設和水資源綜合利用中的作用及東溝船閘改造的必要性;第二章東溝船閘改造的主要技術因素確定其中包括東溝船閘過閘貨種和貨運量發展的預測,并確定東溝船閘的設計代表船型及營運組織;第三章東溝船閘改造工程設計本章通過船閘改造工程主要技術參數:船閘規模、尺度、設計水位和高程等的確定,設計了二個船閘改造方案,包括鋼筋混凝土整體塢式閘首結構、閘室和閘門的設計,并選定了啟閉機的主要技術參數和型式;第四章采用了工程項目經濟評估方法對東溝船閘改造工程二個設計方案進行全面綜合比較后,確定了推薦方案。

Forty - five years f expericence in design , inspection , consultation and supervision of large - scale and medium culverts , sluice gates , bridges , dams and lock gates on flatland as well as irrigation and water conservancy 四十五年從事平原地區大中型涵、閘、橋、南和船閘工程和農田水落石出利規劃設計、審查、咨詢、監理工作。

At that moment , they saw a car not far ahead of them , which also stopped at the locked gate and turned around like they did . as it was turning , it got stuck in a ditch 此時,又看到在前方不遠處,有一部車子也因大門已鎖,正準備掉頭離去之時,車輪不慎陷入路邊水溝而動彈不得。

I confess i was worried the entire time , at that locked gate , and god was giving me the perfect sermon illustration for this morning . love is patient . so don t worry 雖然我經常很擔心,但今天早上,神就藉此事給我一個很完美的示范:別擔心,保持心境愉快吧別擔心,保持快樂

Maritime structures - design of dry docks , locks , slipways and shipbuilding berths , shiplifts and dock and lock gates 海上建筑.第3部分:干船塢閘滑臺以及造船用船臺船吊及船塢與閘門設計

All restricted areas must be fenced with a lock gate to prevent access by unauthorized persons 所有限入區域必須圍起來并配有門,鎖以防止非指定人員進入。

Water went rushing through the lock gates 水流經水閘時十分湍急

Code for design of lock gates and valves of shiplocks 船閘閘閥門設計規范

When you go out , do not forget to the lock gate 出門的時候,可別忘了鎖門。

Those kids grew up with locked gates and bodyguards, wary of everyone who wasn't part of their immediate family . 那些在牢鎖的大門和保鏢的保護下長大的小孩,對于不屬于其家族近親的每個人都懷有戒心。